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Quebec pumpkin seeds grown in regenerative agriculture
Quebec pumpkin seeds grown in regenerative agriculture

Quebec pumpkin seeds grown in regenerative agriculture

Origin: Quebec
Fait au Québec
Cultivé dans le respect de la terre
500 g
$2.86 /100g
1 kg
$2.64 /100g
Nutrition Facts

Quebec produces pumpkins but why is it still very difficult to find local pumpkin seeds?

The answer is that the varieties grown here for Halloween decorations or for making pies are not the same varieties that produce nice, large edible seeds.

Since the demand for pumpkin seeds is increasing here, several producers in the province have decided to embark on the adventure. They have selected European pumpkin varieties, with naked grain, and are gradually acclimatizing them to our climate. One of the major challenges remains the presence of an insect, which is not very present in Europe but which proliferates here and ravages seed pumpkin crops.

For many, the solution would be to use chemical pesticides. But the vision of our partner, La ferme de l'Odyssée, is on the contrary to develop a regenerative agriculture method. Thus, not only is pest control done without using toxic products, but this method helps preserve and even enrich the soil.

Rather than fighting against nature, the Odyssey farm works with the forces of nature. For the greatest happiness of our environment, our food sovereignty and our health.

Very good source of fiber, magnesium, zinc, vitamins B and E.

Use without moderation raw, roasted in the oven or mixed, in pesto, in your salads, snacks, smoothies and more.


Pumpkin seeds

Delivery and packaging

Delay of 4 to 8 working days after validation of the order.

Our policy of reducing waste at source is inspired by the zero waste movement.

Depending on the format chosen, we ship the products in their original packaging or in a 100% compostable bag. The products are then placed in reusable cardboard boxes that you can use again or recycle.

Once delivered to your home, we advise you to pour your products into glass containers to preserve their quality.


À conserver à température pièce pour une meilleure conservation, dans un contenant hermétique, idéalement un bocal en verre, à l'abri de la lumière et de l'humidité. À consommer de préférence dans les 6 mois.

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Ferme de l'Odyssée

Depuis 2007, Sébastien Angers pratique l'agriculture de conservation biologique sur sa ferme située à Ste-Monique de Nicolet . Agronome de formation, sa passion profonde a toujours été d’optimiser le potentiel de la santé des sols. Il cherche à minimiser ses interventions et ainsi aider la terre à retrouver sa biodiversité naturelle. Pour se faire, il a su miser sur des designs culturaux novateurs, redéfinissant ainsi le visage de l’agriculture au Québec. C’est un peu comme si on faisait de la permaculture à grande échelle.

En usant d’ingéniosité, il a su trouver et adapter des équipements spécialisés lui permettant de tester un maximum de cultures de couverture différentes, et ainsi, maximiser le potentiel de synergies des plantes.

Curieux et créatif, son laboratoire à ciel ouvert lui permet d’être l’artiste accomplie qu’il est aujourd’hui.