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Dark chocolate drops 66% São Tomé - organic / fair trade
Dark chocolate drops 66% São Tomé - organic / fair trade
Dark chocolate drops 66% São Tomé - organic / fair trade

Dark chocolate drops 66% São Tomé - organic / fair trade

Origin: Sao Tome
Certifié Biologique
Issu du commerce équitable
1 kg
$5.33 /100g
$4.56 /100g
$3.99 /100g
Translation missing: en.icons.alert
For reasons of product conservation, shipment of this product may be delayed when temperatures exceed 20°C.
Nutrition Facts

A sweet dark chocolate with woody and dried fruit notes.

Pure origin São Tomé cocoa of the Amelonado variety.

Nestled in the heart of the Gulf of Guinea, on volcanic soil, the island's cocoa trees offer premium cocoa beans. The specificity of this cocoa is quickly perceptible. The combination of aromas of fresh fruit, dried fruit and spices, combined with the flavors of cocoa and the woody scent, gives this chocolate an extraordinary character.

Our couverture chocolates are suitable for professional use in fine chocolate shops but can be eaten as is or used in cooking for your fondues and recipes.

Flavor profile of Amelonado cocoa

Top notes: Fresh fruits (apple-pear), Dried fruits (almonds-hazelnuts)

Heart notes: Cocoa and pronounced chocolate

Base Notes: Dry Woody, Heavy Tobacco Notes, Caramel

The little story

Sector created in 2001 - 2,200 partner producers

São Tomé is an island of wild beauty, still preserved from the rest of the world.
Located off the coast of Gabon, it was the first African land to cultivate cocoa.
However, following its independence in 1975, the plantations were
gradually abandoned. In 1999, in a context of deep crisis
agricultural, IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) wants to initiate and
implement actions to improve farmers’ income
(particularly low) and more broadly the island's economy. In 2001, to the
At the request of IFAD, Kaoka went to São Tomé as a consultant.
Kaoka then organizes coordination between communities and the production of
organic cocoa. The necessary infrastructure (fermentation boxes, dryers
solar panels, storage room) are built to promote Santomé cocoa
in the best conditions.
The island's cocoa trees, planted more than 40 years ago, were becoming very old. There
cocoa production in sharp decline jeopardized activity and income
producers. This is why, in 2012, under the same model as the sector in
Ecuador, Kaoka undertakes work to renovate cocoa plantations
unproductive. High-performance, resistant and high-potential cocoa trees
aromatics are identified. They are then duplicated by grafting into
nurseries. The project is a revolution in the country! The cooperative becomes
quickly and remains the country's leading exporter.
On the island, cocoa trees naturally coexist with many other species
food crops (banana trees, jackfruit trees, mango trees, papaya trees, vanilla, etc.). In São Tomé, the
Cocoa cultivation is traditionally practiced in agroforestry.

With our partner Kaoka, we offer you zero-compromise chocolate: quality of ingredients, organic and deforestation-free cultivation, fair conditions and prices for producers.

And for you, consumers, in the context of soaring cocoa prices in 2023-2024, it is the guarantee of the best chocolate at the fairest price.

Our partner Kaoka, with its production cooperatives in South America, Africa and the Caribbean, has always considered cocoa to be an exceptional product. Unlike industrial production which destroys soils, forests and impoverishes producer communities, Kaoka makes chocolate with respect for the environment and humans.

  • Selecting the best local varieties according to countries and regions makes it possible to distinguish distinct flavor profiles and contributes to maintaining good biodiversity.
  • Training producers in organic growing techniques, agroforestry and good bean fermentation and drying practices allows for sustainable, high-quality production.
  • Technical and financial support for the modernization of cooperative equipment and a fair price paid to producers ensures the well-being of communities and a future for small family farms.
  • The alliance with European companies renowned for their know-how in transforming cocoa into chocolate finally makes it possible to guarantee a product of superior, consistent quality and at an affordable price for the consumer.


Organic ingredients: cocoa mass, cocoa sugar
cane, cocoa butter, sunflower lecithins, vanilla extract.

Delivery and packaging

Delay of 4 to 8 working days after validation of the order.

Our policy of reducing waste at source is inspired by the zero waste movement.

Depending on the format chosen, we ship the products in their original packaging or in a 100% compostable bag. The products are then placed in reusable cardboard boxes that you can use again or recycle.

Once delivered to your home, we advise you to pour your products into glass containers to preserve their quality.


À conserver à température pièce pour une meilleure conservation, dans un contenant hermétique, idéalement un bocal en verre, à l'abri de la lumière et de l'humidité. À consommer de préférence dans les 12 mois.

Learn more




Avec notre partenaire Kaoka, nous vous offrons le chocolat zéro compromis : qualité des ingrédients, culture biologique et sans déforestation, conditions et prix équitables pour les producteurs.

Et pour vous, consommateurs, dans le contexte de flambée des prix du cacao en 2023-2024, c'est la garantie du meilleur chocolat au prix le plus juste.Notre partenaire Kaoka avec ses coopératives de production en Amérique du Sud, en Afrique et aux Caraïbes, a toujours considéré le cacao comme un produit d'exception. À l'opposée de la production industrielle qui détruit les sols, les forêts et appauvri les communautés de producteurs, Kaoka fait du chocolat dans le respect de l'environnement et des humains.

  • La sélection des meilleures variétés locales selon les pays et les régions permet de distinguer des profils de saveurs distincts et contribue au maintien d'une bonne biodiversité.
  • La formation des producteurs aux techniques de culture biologique, à l'agroforesterie et aux bonnes pratiques de fermentation et de séchage des fèves permet une production durable et de qualité supérieure.
  • L'appui technique et financier pour la modernisation des équipements des coopératives et un prix équitable versé aux producteurs assure le bien-être des communautés et un avenir pour les petites exploitations familiales.
  • L'alliance avec des compagnies européennes réputées pour leur savoir-faire en transformation du cacao en chocolat fin permet enfin de garantir un produit de qualité supérieure, constante, et à prix abordable pour le consommateur.