Ground ginger - organic / fair trade
The slightly spicy and lemony flavor of ginger brings a vibrant note to your fish and seafood dishes, tagines and curries.
Known for its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, it is also excellent as an infusion, alone or with lemon juice and a little honey.
Unlike cheap spices, ours are steam sterilized and not irradiated, to preserve their benefits and nutritional properties.
Our organic ginger powder comes from young rizhomes or tubers that are very aromatic and less spicy than those usually sold in grocery stores. Good to know: as with most spices, the spiciness fades with cooking. Depending on the desired strength, you will use it at the beginning or at the end of your preparation.
It is grown by small-scale producers in Sri Lanka who practice agroforestry and are paid a fair price by our on-site partner who takes care of drying and processing the rizhomes into premium quality powder.