Organic, fair trade cocoa and more

With Kaoka, we have found the partner who meets all our most demanding criteria in terms of quality, transparency and eco-responsibility. Our new chocolate products, certified organic and fair trade, are made in France by the company which maintains respectful and fair relations with its producer partners.
Organic, fair trade, aromatic and eco-responsible chocolate, is it still possible?
The cocoa industry faces several challenges. First of all, the cocoa trees of local varieties, more aromatic, are in a phase of decline because they were planted more than 40 years ago. In addition, hybrid varieties that have appeared more recently require a lot of water and fertilizer and are not very aromatic.
An expert in organic and fair trade aromatic chocolates, since 1993 Kaoka has developed its cocoa supplies in Ecuador, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Sao Tome from family farmers grouped into organic farming producer cooperatives.

Kaoka thus participates in the restoration of the biodiversity of cocoa, soils, the ecosystem within the plantation and the landscapes. For example, the work carried out by Kaoka and its producer partners in Ecuador has been essential in the conservation and promotion of Nacional cocoa, the country's true heritage. Ensuring productive organic agriculture also makes it possible to fight against rural exodus and the abandonment of cocoa cultivation by new generations.
Consult Kaoka's 2023 impact report
Through this report, Kaoka provides an overview of the cocoa sector and its ecological, social and economic issues.
The objective? Inform the decision-making of our professional, industrial and distributor partners in terms of supply of cocoa products.